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QuickSwap ECM to PSC Motor

Item #:QT6101 
Manufacturer Item: QT6101
Manufacturer: QWIK PRODUCTS
Mainstream Engineering QT6101 QuickSwap ECM to PSC Motor
Qwik Products QwikSwap QT6101 1 PH Universal ECM Constant Torque Blower There is a QwikSwap board for every type of ECM motor and it is a solution you can have on the truck, and no custom programming is required. QwikSwap boards operate with any PSC motor up to 1 HP, either 120 or 240 VAC 1 PH.

Mainstream Engineering QT6101

Motors Accessories

Brand Name
Mainstream Engineering
Accessory Type
QuickSwap ECM to PSC Motor
QuickSwap ECM to PSC Motor