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Allanson Transformer Beckett 240 VAC
10 KVABurner Manufacturer: BECKETT
Application: OIL
Burner Type: A, AF, AFG
Input Voltage: 240V
Current: 23mA
Grounding: Mid Point Ground
Secondary Voltage: 10000V
Input Frequency: 60Hz
Can Size: Small Can Series
Hv: Terminal
Large Spring Contact
Hinge Location End Hinge
Junction Box
Poles Double
10 KVA
Allanson 2744-628G
Allanson Electronic Ignitor Carlin 601 120 VAC
Application: OIL
Burner Manufacturer: CARLIN
Burner Type: 601
Input Voltage: 120V
Grounding Mid Point Ground
Current: 28mA
Secondary Voltage: 17.5 kVpk
Input Frequency 50/60Hz
Hv Terminal: Rajah Connector
Hinge Location: Side Bracket Mounting
Poles: Double
Allanson 2275-633
Allanson Chek-Mate Transformer/Ignitor Tester for use with 2-Pole Fast, portable, dependable way to instantly test transformers
and electronic ignitors Chek-Mate by Allanson is easy to use and makes service calls a breeze. Simply touch the high voltage spheres
to the high voltage contacts of any brand of transformer or ignitor and the green LED lights up if the unit is good. Lightweight, compact
and durable, Chek-Mate is also very affordable.,
Allanson SC-2100
Allanson Transformer ABC, CRANE 120 VAC Primary
Application: OIL
Burner Manufacturer: ABC, CRANE
Burner Type: ABC Crane
Input Voltage: 120V
Current: 23mA
Grounding: Mid Point Ground
Secondary Voltage: 10000V
Input Frequency: 60Hz
Can Size Small: Can Series
Hv Terminal: Zinc Plated Button
Poles: Double
Cross Reference 2721-409,2721-409, A10-SV351, LKR-2, 313-25AB73, C-793
Allanson T86
Allanson Swordfish UVC36WBMV
- Why use Swordfish UV air purification?
- Levels of air pollution inside the home can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels
- 50% of illnesses are aggravated or caused by indoor air
- Studies have also shown that one gram of duct dust can contain up to 50,000 bacteria
- How does it work ? Swordfish is mounted inside your duct on your return air, or above your air conditioning coil. Rather than simply trapping your allergy or asthma triggers, Swordfishs U VC sterilizes your indoor air and kills/ deactivates the DNA/RN A structure of micro-organisms, rendering them harmless resulting in Whole Home Healthy Indoor r Air.
- How can Sword fish help me? One out of six people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to fungi and bacteria in air duct systems
- If you or your family are one of these sufferers, studies show the deconditions can be triggered by molds, dust and other indoor contaminants
- Swordfish can alleviate your symptoms b
attacking your triggers such as dust mites, molds and bacteria. By reducing the impact of these triggers, Swordfish can help
relieve the following: asthma, allergies, hay fever, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing.
Allanson UVC36WBMV
Allanson Ultra Violet Air Purification Replacement Lamp 36 Watts x 16"
Allanson UVC36WLR
Allanson Swordfish UVA18WLR Replacement Lamp, 81 watt, 9" L
Allanson UVA18WLR
Allanson Swordfish UVA36W Air Purifier Lamp, 36 watt, 16" L
- Why use Swordfish UV air purification?
- Levels of air pollution inside the home can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels
- 50% of illnesses are aggravated or caused by indoor air
- Studies have also shown that one gram of duct dust can contain up to 50,000 bacteria
- How does it work ? Swordfish is mounted inside your duct on your return air, or above your air conditioning coil. Rather than simply trapping your allergy or asthma triggers, Swordfishs U VC sterilizes your indoor air and kills/ deactivates the DNA/RN A structure of micro-organisms, rendering them harmless resulting in Whole Home Healthy Indoor r Air.
- How can Sword fish help me? One out of six people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to fungi and bacteria in air duct systems
- If you or your family are one of these sufferers, studies show the deconditions can be triggered by molds, dust and other indoor contaminants
- Swordfish can alleviate your symptoms by attacking your triggers such as dust mites, molds and bacteria. By reducing the
impact of these triggers, Swordfish can help relieve the following: asthma, allergies, hay fever, fatigue, dizziness, headaches,
shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing
Allanson UVA36W
Allanson Transformer Power Flame 1-Pole 120 VAC x 6000 VAC Secondary
Application: GAS
Current: 25/20mA
Grounding: One End Ground
Secondary Voltage: 6000V
Input Frequency: 50/60Hz
Poles: Single
Input Voltage: 120V
Burner Manufacturer: POWER FLAME
Hv: TerminalThumb Screw
Allanson 1092-PF
Allanson Wayne M/MH Mounting Plate
Allanson 2602-01
Allanson Carlin 99/100/101 Mounting Plate
Allanson 2605
Allanson Wayne E Mounting Plate